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5 months ago

Earn your Free Great Value Garbage Bags – Shopper Army

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Offer Information:

 The promotion detailed on Get Me Free Samples offers Canadian residents a chance to test Great Value garbage bags for free through Shopper Army. Eligible products include various sizes of kitchen garbage bags. Participants are required to sign up or log in to Shopper Army, complete a survey to qualify, purchase the product from Walmart, and submit a review after testing to receive a full rebate. 

Product Description:

No frustrations: our 55 gallon industrial liners are as tough as they get. The 1.5mm thick plastic means your project will remain the ultimate in punctures, tears and frustrations.


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  • Always Free No Rebate Required

  • Everyone Gets One

  • Not Buy One to Get One Free

  • Available to Everyone

  • Does Not Require Membership

  • Not In Store Pick Up

  • US & Canada Only

  • Direct Offer, Not Via Service

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