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7 days ago

Earn a Free VCF Sample!

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Offer Information:

You can order a free sample of VCF (Vaginal Contraceptive Film) by clicking the 'Get Free Sample' button and completing the checkout process on the provided website. This offer includes free delivery, with an expected delivery time of 6-8 weeks, available while supplies last.

Product Description:

VCF® spermicidal film has been successfully used over 100 million times in the United States and has been on the market for over 30 years. You won't feel it! It becomes imperceptible to you and your partner. Because VCF® contraceptive film is small and goes unnoticed when used, women can use it discreetly.


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  • Always Free No Rebate Required

  • Everyone Gets One

  • Not Buy One to Get One Free

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  • Does Not Require Membership

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