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7 months ago

Free Sample pack of Rascal and Friends Diapers

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Offer Information:

  • Click on the ‘Get Sample’ button below to go to the offer page
  • Fill out the form and choose the size suitable for your baby.
  • Submit your request.
Please allow 2 to 3 weeks for your premium diaper sample pack to arrive.

There are 10,000 Rascal and Friends diaper samples to claim. The campaign will end when the total number of sample packs has been claimed.

Product Description:

In their simple way of expressing their commitment, the company emphasizes that their products are crafted without any harmful elements – devoid of harsh chemicals, latex, lotions, or fragrances.

Instead, the company opts for feather-soft materials, water-based inks, and ensures that their products are dermatologically certified, guaranteeing safety and utmost gentleness on sensitive skin.

The company asserts that there are no hidden nasty ingredients in their products, underscoring their dedication to purity.

In their products, it's all about love, without any nasties. 


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