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over 1 year ago

Try Just For Men 1-Day Beard & Brow Color For Free

Offer Information:

Looking for a change? A new ad is appearing on Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok. There is no direct link, but there are a few things you can do to trigger the algorithm. Once it shows up, simply click on the ad and voilá!

1) Follow Just For Men on all their platforms
2) Like a few posts and stories
3) Google the product and look it up on Youtube
 4) Wait and click when it shows up! Good luck! 

Product Description:

Just For Men® 1-Day Beard & Brow Color is a breakthrough innovation in temporary beard color. It provides a convenient way for guys to eliminate grays and fill in thin patchy areas instantly.


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  • Always Free No Rebate Required

  • Everyone Gets One

  • Not Buy One to Get One Free

  • Only Available to Some People

  • Does Not Require Membership

  • Not In Store Pick Up

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