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almost 2 years ago

Car Jar Air Freshener at Yankee Candle for Free

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Offer Information:

Get a Car Jar Air Freshener from Yankee Candle for free! You will just have to ask in-stores to get your free air freshener.

Please note that this offer is available at participating stores only. So to make sure that the store near you has an available air freshener, you can call them.

Product Description:

Bring your favorite fragrance on the road with you and neutralize unpleasant odors as well. The Yankee Candle Ultimate Car Jar is the premiere automobile air freshener, adding premium fragrance to your commute, errands, and road trips. When the gel dips below the label, you know it's time to replace it.



over 1 year ago

Only candle you should own


over 1 year ago

I love Yankee Candles! Can’t wait to try some more.

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  • Always Free No Rebate Required

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  • Must Pick Up In Store

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