about 2 years ago

Hillside Harvest Pineapple Fresno Hot Sauce for Free

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Click the 'Get Sample' then log in to your Moms Meet account and apply for the offer for a chance to receive this tasty Hillside Harvest Pineapple Fresno Hot Sauce, coupons that you can share with your group, and additional gifts that you can enjoy for yourself all for free!

Product Description:

Hillside Harvest Pineapple Fresno Hot Sauce leverages tangy heat from Fresno peppers and is balanced by the sweetness of organic pineapple juice. Caribbean-American inspired, this sauce is a fantastic example of how simple ingredients can deliver dynamic flavor. With no added sugars and low in sodium, the Pineapple Fresno hot sauce is great on everything from grilled wings and pizza to oysters and cocktails. 


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