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about 2 years ago

Repose Self Heating Eye Mask for Free

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Offer Information:

Are you struggling with tired and dry eyes? This Repose Self Heating Eye Mask can help you relax your eyes.

You can get this product for free by just subscribing to their Youtube channel and leaving a comment on one of their videos. Take a screenshot of your comment and send an email to [email protected] to request your eye mask for free!

Product Description:

Have you been struggling with tired & dry eyes, yet heating a sleep mask in the microwave or plugging it in electricity seems like too much of a hassle before bedtime? We completely understand! That IS too much of a hassle! You've had a long day and just want to relax your eyes and body. That's where Reposé heated eye mask comes in. We did all the hard work on our end, so you can just take your Reposé eye heat mask out of the packaging and be peacefully resting your eyes within a minute. Different from weighted eye masks, these are lightweight and recyclable.


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