over 2 years ago

CHKN Not Chicken for Free

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Offer Information:

Click the 'Get Sample' below and log in to your Moms Meet account and apply for this offer for a chance to get CHKN Not Chicken for free, coupons that you can share with your group, plus additional gifts that you can enjoy for yourself. Please note that this offer is available for a limited time only.

Product Description:

CHKN Not Chicken comes in four great-tasting flavors, including Naked CHKN, Zen CHKN, Fiesta CHKN, and BBQ CHKN, which can be added to your favorite recipes like tacos, stir fry, salads, pizza, pasta, and more. Plus, they are convenient and easy to prepare, just sauté on the stove, broil in the oven, or use an air fryer. Which flavor will you try in your next Meatless Monday dinner?


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